For stays under 28 nights, hosts can choose which cancellation options to offer guests. For stays of 28 nights or more, the Long Term cancellation policy automatically applies.
- Free cancellation for 48 hours, as long as the guest cancels at least 14 days before check-in (time shown in the confirmation email)
- After that, guests can cancel up to 7 days before check-in and get a 50% refund of the nightly rate, and the cleaning fee, but not the service fee
14 days prior
48 hours after booking
For a full refund of the nightly rate, the guest must cancel within 48 hours of booking and at least 14 full days prior to listing’s local check-in time (shown in the confirmation email).
7 days prior
For a 50% refund of the nightly rate, the guest must cancel 7 full days before the listing’s local check in time (shown in the confirmation email), otherwise no refund. If only 50% of the reservation has been paid, no refund will be issued and the remaining 50% will simply not be charged.
Check in
If the guest cancels less than 7 days in advance or decides to leave early after check-in, the nights not spent are not refund
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Long Term
[vc_column_text]- Automatically applied to reservations of 28 nights or more
- Reservations are fully refundable for 48 hours after the booking is confirmed, as long as the cancellation occurs at least 28 days before check-in (3:00 PM in the destination’s local time if not specified)
- More than 48 hours after booking, guests can cancel before check-in and get a full refund, minus the first 30 days and the service fee
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